Wednesday, February 16, 2011

About me...

Well,I am Arvind Ramachandran,presently doing my final year in Easwari Engineering College taking EEE as my major.Currenly placed in Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)..Well,blogging is one of my hobbies and i personally feel that its one way through which you can express your thoughts clearly in an articulate manner without any restrictions.Coming back to my hobbies,i play violin,have been learning it since my 5th grade.Football has been a part of my life since my 9th grade.I read books,I cannot categorize me taste under any specific genre.I read any book,i get to lay my hands on.

My strengths might sound cliche,anywayz,here it goes...I am hardworking,honest,true to heart,humorous(have heard others telling it),friendly..Well,Friends are my biggest strength.They play a vital role in my life.I strongly believe that "True friends are not the ones around you,but the ones you wish to be around you".As far as my weaknesses go..i am a lil pessimistic,and give a lot of importance to what others think about what i do,and yea straightforward too..Well,i think its more than enough to know about me.
My ID is:

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Well,I was zapping through all the sites for a nice topic...and ORKUT gave me one..."MY IDEA OF A PERFECT DATE"...sounds good..aint it?When i was going through various profiles on orkut,i could see tat many had opt for either going in for a long drive,or a long walk with their loved one on the beach holding hands of each other.....doesnt it sound humdrum or rather cliche?[sorry to those reading this post,who had written the same in their profile]...If i had been asked this question,i would give you a better or atleast a different idea n here it goes...

Envisage a romantic candlelight dinner with your loved one near you, listening to soft romantic music,both staring at each other with great love and affection at the time when the sun had set and the moon had just come to see the love you both have on each other,smiling at you,telling,"wish i had a partner like you".A gentle touch would definitely let go of all your sorrows,problems and troubles,and the warmth u feel,would take you to another world,with just you both in the entire world.What do u think is worth more than a caress from your loved one?

Your lips dont move,yet you talk through your mind telepathically.You could even feel your heart beating with a sense of love.
The atmosphere now is,calm and tranquil,and ur minds or rather your hearts could communicate effectively,which gives you a feeling that there is no one in this world to seperate you,and a gentle look at the moon is to just show that your love is eternal and perpetual like the moon.The feeling of complacency can also be sensed which indicates that you had thoroughly enjoyed every moment being spent and no longer need anything more in your life...It looks as if the entire sky is there to protect you,and to keep you closer and even more intimate.A drop of tear would make it even more emotional and passionate,indicating the intensity of your love.

A candle light dinner is meant to evoke the lost emotions in your hearts,the fire that has lost in the labyrinth of daily routines and hectic work schedules.So, do not get distracted yourself and also prevent your beloved from getting distracted from the theme of romance. Now you are well prepared to have the most romantic evening with your beloved.Good Luck and Cheers.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life is short...

Life is too short to live,
Yet its an ocean to dive.
Forget the future,forget the past,
enjoy the present till we last.
Why tears in this short span?,
avoid it as much as u can.
one day you are up,one day you are down,
one day you smile,and one day you frown,
no worry when it is known,
that all is done by our own.
Whatever they say u need to adjust,
take it, as if, told in jest,
for u can make your life THE BEST.
Life takes u to several fronts,
u can be happy,if u bear the brunt.
Thinking of death,we gast,
dont we know,we die atlast?,
We think we live only till our funeral,
we often forget soul is eternal.
why fear?,why worry?,
when we know death is hereditary.
Fogive ur enemy,forget their mistake,
As we know,life is always at stake.
Think all,thank all,
those who never let u fall.
Let me put an end to it,
Life is short,make it sweet!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Being in a relationship...

We often come across so many happily-married couples,yet-to-be married lovers and wanna-get-committed singles in our day-today lives. You can always see them ever-laughing,energetic and full of zeal and vigour. But this does not hold good for all. Happily-married couples, as I have mentioned earlier, have got their own duties and responsibilities and it is not possible for them to come out of it. They need to endure to put up with how life treats them. Yet-to-be married lovers would have just got into a relationship and it is too early for them to think about getting out of the relationship. Wanna-get committed Singles, on the other hand, would have dreamt a lot about getting committed. We often feel that it is always good to be in a relationship, to be loaded with responsibilities.

Little do we think about the consequences of getting committed. Getting committed has its own merits and de-merits. Lets now ruminate over the merits of getting committed. As I said, getting committed inculcates a sense of responsibility in you. In-a-relationship feeling makes you feel fresh and enthusiastic. Nothing in this world can make you feel depressed and crestfallen for you always have a person to bank on, to support, encourage, guide you in your predicaments. This can even make you feel that, it gives a sense of meaning to your otherwise meaningless life. It further helps you change your attitude, control your emotions and enhance your sense of love and also redefines it in certain cases.

But as the saying goes,”every coin has two sides”, we may have to ponder over the de-merits of being in a relationship also. Being in a relationship makes you feel responsible which is fine as long as you can bear the brunt of it. The sense of love, which you might have had at the beginning of the relationship, later develops into a sense of possessiveness,which imposes execrable restrictions on your activites, that exasperates you. It further reduces your friends’ circle,ultimately leaving you with just handful of them. Being in a relationship makes you feel good. But, breaking up from the relationship makes the situation worse. Everything looks terrible and unpleasant. It becomes really really difficult to get back to your normal life, soon after your break up. It is indeed good to be loaded with responsibilities but certainly not at this age.
In a nutshell, the very effect of being in a relationship remains in our hands and depends on our perception. Relationships, when dealt properly, can shape your life into an impeccable and perfect one, whereas, when dealt wrongly, can ruin your life. . It is upto us to make it a memorable or a forgettable one.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Vaaranam Aayiram-a review

Well,the first ever review of mine on a movie.To start off with,a movie which has truly knocked my socks off,i should say.Its a movie about a father and a son,and the story revolves around the well-established rapport between them.This movie is all aboutRETROSPECTIONS AND REMINISCENCES.Before talking about the characters,i would like to first congratulate the director,GOWTHAM MENON,for taking the right subject,keeping in mind the present generation.Well,varaanam aayiram is a movie starring Surya playing the role of both(father and son).

Firstly,Surya as a father,yet another enthralling performance from his side.I can say,he has done complete justice to the role.His performance was upto the mark.The way he advices his son in various predicaments is awesome."JUST PURSUE WHAT YOUR HEART DESIRES"says it all.In short,a fantabulous performance.

Secondly,Surya as a son,once again a cute,ebullient performance by Surya.The way he expresses his gratitude towards his father is really touching.I bet one cannot express his love as surya does.U could often see him being contemplative, in the story,which makes it even more appealing.In a nutshell,a stupendous performance.

Thirdly,Simran,Surya's doting mother.Wht an enamouring voice??Needless to mention her versatility.The love she has on her husband and the affection she has on her son
proves her versatility once again.She has really made her impact on the film.

Sameera Reddy,Divya etc have done their roles really well and have really contributed major portion to the film's success.

How can i ever forget Harris Jayaraj who scored the background music for the film? Well,without him the film wouldnt have been so very successful.A consummate musician in short.

Kudos to the director and the entire unit.Well to wind things up,a movie of its kind!!

If u love someone....Set her free...Ha ha ha

If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, she never was.

If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she ever comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, as expected, she never was

If you love someone,
Set her free,
Don't worry, she will come back .

If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she ever comes back, ask her why .

If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she doesn't come back within some time forget her.

If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she doesn't come back,continue to wait until she comes back ...

If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she comes back, and if you love her still,set her free again, repeat ...

C++ Programmer:
if(you-love( m_she))
if(m_she == NULL)
m_she = new CShe;

Animal-Rights Activist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
In fact, all living creatures deserve to be free!!

If you love someone,
Set her free,
Clause 1a of Paragraph 13a-1 in the SecondAmendment of the Matrimonial Freedom.

Biologist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
She'll evolve .

Statisticians :
If you love someone,
Set her free,If she loves you, the probability of her coming back is high,
If she doesn't, your relation was improbable anyway.

Schwarzenegger' s fans:
If you love someone,
Set her free,SHE'LL BE BACK !

Over possessive person :
If you love someone don't
Set her free.

If you love someone,
Set her free instantaneously and look for others simultaneously.

Psychologist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back her super ego is dominant,
If she doesn't come back her id is supreme,
If she doesn't go, she must be crazy .

Somnabulist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back it's a nightmare,
If she doesn't, you must be dreaming.

ERP functional expert :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back, map her into your system,
If she doesn't, carry out a gap-fit analysis.

Finance expert :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back, its time to look for fresh loans,
If she doesn't, write her off as an asset gone bad.

Marketing Specialist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back she has brand loyalty,
If she doesn't, reposition the brand in new market.

American President:
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back she must be carrying weapons of mass destruction, so attack Iraq,
If she doesn't, it's the work of Osama so attack Afghanistan.

and finally...

If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back,forgive her,
If she doesn't,forget her.